This document serves up as our official terms of service and it oversees the rules that the user must follow while browsing our website,
Your use of our website is further subjected to your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
The terms “us” or “we” or “our” refers to and the owner of the site.
A “member” refers to someone with a registered account on our website.
Our “service” represents all the products and features offered by us on our website
All text, graphics, audio, video, and any other form of data available on our site is jointly referred as our “content”
You hereby agree to clearly follow all the international and local laws related to your handling of the website. retains all the rights to inspect any complaints or reported infringement of our legal terms and may take any necessary action, including but not limited to blacklisting the user’s IP address. In an event of any unlawful activity conducted by the user with regards to our website, we may further share the user’s personal and non personal information with the concerned authorities.
Our website may contain our trademarks or logo of our affiliates, partners and other companies, in the form of text, and graphics. You are not authorized to use these logos or Trademarks for any commercial purposes without our prior written consent.
Our website may contain links to 3rd party sites including but not limited to Social media sites, payment gateway providers and our partners. These links are present there only for the convenience of the user. We do not control or have any control over these 3rd party links and you are advised to check their legal policies before using them.
We reserve all the rights to make changes to our legal policies any time without any prior notice. We do update the bottom date every time we make any such changes. You are advised to look for any such changes yourself.
Our legal terms shall be dealt in accordance with the law of Caribbean and shall be governed in agreement with the rules and regulations of the Caribbean.
You herewith agree to present all the legal cases to the jurisdiction of applicable courts of law only. Any open conflict by you related to our website must be submitted to the court of law within one (1) year. After that, any such conflict shall be declared invalid. In any event where any clause/s of our legal terms is found irrelevant or unenforceable, that clause/s shall be discarded and the remaining clauses shall remain in full force and effect as permitted by the applicable court of law.